Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Well, we arrived in Stift Melk (Melk Abbey) yesterday afternoon.  Reconnected with the Old Catholic Bishops, and began our meeting.  Last night we heard reports from the various dialogs that are taking place.  The Old Catholics and the Mariavites, and others.  There are serious concerns that the Union of Utrecht looks at when having these discussions.  Church 'union' for union sake is not the goal.  Rather, serious theological and ecclesiological concerns must be addressed.  in a side discussion later, wtih one of the bishops, he expressed concern that 'ethical matters' might be taking a  higher priority than theological issues.  I asked, using a phrase they use often, if that was 'order' over 'faith.'  Yes, was his reply. 

Order can be debated.  Faith is another matter!

We had a wonderful time in social gathering last evening (it began at 10 pm) with various bishops.  Marsha enjoyed being with them, and I know they enjoyed having her company!

This morning began with morning prayer, led by the German Bishop, then breakfast.

We gathered at 9 am for the next session, and continued our discussion about the Mariavites....and their use of the filioquey clause in the Nicene Creed...as well as the dogma of the Immaculate Conception...the Union of Utrecht does not accept either...so this appears to be a problem with admitting the Mariavites.

I looked at my counterpart (Bishop Gledhill, from Litchfield) and we both seemed amused...as the Anglican Church/Communion uses the filioque clause...That was mentioned, but quickly dismissed because while we are in Full Communion, we are not members of the Union!

Later morning, we disucssed the Vocational Diaconate (Permanent).  They have the same issues we have...using lay gifts, but not denying the role of the threefold ordained ministries.  How do you exercise full orders, without denying laity?  The BCP clearly states 'in the absense of sufficient bishops/priests/deacons (whichever role needs to be fulfilled) priests/deacons/laity may fill in.

Had a nice lunch, and then a quick stroll around the grounds.  Marsha spent the morning reading and walking in the gardens...truly amazing!!!

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