Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Well, General Convention is in full swing, and the budget if complete.  Many things that had been removed from the budget by the Executive Council 'draft budget' have been restored by PB&F.  Sadly, there seems to be attempts to regulate the Church via the budget.  Certain canonical bodies had been stripped of their funding, thus making them non-existent...but that wouldn't make sense.  How can you 'close' a body, without legislation?  How can one group unilaterally shut down an activitly, when the Church hasn't spoken, and canons haven't been changed?

Thus, we restored various bodies, with the expectation that studies and recommendations will be forthcoming.

We have a variety of resolutions all trying to address the issue of restructuring.  Unfortunately, for me, this is a way of trying to take a 'piecemeal' approach to change the church.  Rather than taking a full studied approach, doing 'one thing at a time' seems to be the approach.  I'm hoping that this won't happen.

Yesterday (Monday) besides putting the budget to rest, and sending it to the printer, we also voted on the issue of 'Blessing of same sex unions.'

I voted against it, for a variety of reasons, but knew that it would pass.  I am comfortable with this, and will work within the Diocese to provide for such...

in the past, I said that we couldn't go forward in WV, with this, as the Church had not spoken.  Yesterday (assuming that the Deputies concur) the Church spoke. 

Many years ago, I asked a senior military person who was at West Point, when it went co-ed.  I asked how that went over, since it has been more than a century of 'males only.'  He looked rather curious.  He said, "it went smoothly.   We're in a military model.  When the brass speak, we salute, and make it happen.'

I believe that's the same with the Church.  We are in a hierarcichal church...The Church has spoken, and we move forward.

Certain committees will be formed in the coming weeks, so that a plan for rolling this out will be in place, without destroying the Body of Christ in West Virginia.

There are obviously various clauses within the body of the Resolution, which some will ignore, and others will complain about...but the entire piece was passed...not just a portion of it.

So - we'll look how we do this, together.

In addition, the Bishops passed a resolution requiring that, in the Triennial of 2016 - 2018, the Budget will be funded by an 'asking' of not more than 15%, and all dioceses will be 'required' to pay that rate, or more.

More to come.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Well, we arrived safely in Indianapolis. Don't know when power will be restored to our home, but here we are. God is good, all the time.

We have checked into our room, and set up the hospitality room, for our people.

Went across the street to the Convention Hall, and registered. Went to various booths in the 'market place,' and ran into many old friends - including John Stonesifer - former Interim at St John's, Huntington. Scott West and Anne are here as well.

Been to the ECW/UTO booth, the Pension Booth, seminary booths, Cokesbury, Whipple, and a few others. When I stopped at the Pension/Medical Trust booth, they too complimented us on our upcoming rate reduction.

I have seen John and Bertha Valentine, checking in. Stan Holmes was checking in. Beth Marquart met us as we were checking in. Cheryl Winter is also here...

Convention begins on thursday, but various meetings (hearings, as they're called here) begin tomorrow. My committee: Program, Budget and Finance, meets tomorrow morning, and then has its first hearing (on the priorities of the Church) at noon. I know that Cheryl's committee - on the consecration of new bishops, will hold their hearing(s) tomorrow as well.

Well, we're at the starting line, or so it seems. Energy is building.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Marsha, Emilie, Patrick, Anna, Sully and I all attended part of Trinity (Wheaton) 130th Anniversary celebration.  The event was in celebration of the old 'historic' chapel.  We were at the 'High Tea,' followed by an evening Reception on Saturday.  Both Bishop Lee and the Presiding Bishop were present.  Sunday morning the Eucharist was celebrated, with renewal of baptismal vows, and a prayer for the Chapel. 

It was wonderful to see so many good friends, who were in the parish...and to see how they have blossomed in their ministries and callings!  God bless them all!!!

As we were preparing to go to the parish picnic, a major storm blew through...knocking out power all around, and felling trees...we did not go to any picnic...just slowly found our way through open streets, toward O'Hare.  Had lunch at Woodfield, and got to the airport in time.

Flight from O'Hare to Charlotte was only about 20 minutes late.  The flight from Charlotte to Charleston was more than 2 hours late...We got into Charleston about 1:15, and waited for our bags...drove home, and found that our power was out since Friday.  We got a few hours of sleep, and woke up somewhat early, due to the traffic coming up our street.  The normal route is closed, due to felled trees.

Tood laundry to the cleaners, so we could have something to wear at General Convention.

Now, we're trying to figure out if Marsha should stay home, until the power returns...just don't know when that might happen.  It could happen in a minute, it could be as late as Friday (according to their reports).

Hmmmm...perhaps I could stay home, and Marsha go to Indianapolis?