Sunday, August 18, 2024

A new start?

 It has been a longer time than I realized or remembered.

Last time, I said I would get back 'into it.'  Never did.

But now, I'm retired, and have had much time to reflect upon the past 40+ years.  More reflection still to come.

One of  the 'things' that keeps reappearing in written works that I've saved has been the need to work on recruitment of new clergy.

Even back in the early 1980's, The Church recognized that we were heading for a crash.  Not enough people in the pipeline.  Bishop Bill Swing wrote a short article asking "Where have all the Young Men Gone?"  It wasn't just about young 'men,' but it was about young 'people!'  He documented, and then Miller Cragon (Canon in Chicago for the COM) posted the following week that most of the applications were from middle aged people.  One of his quotes was "Many come to the ordination process as a second career, not necessarily having been successful in their first career."  

How true!

But the other part of it, and we have taken this on multiple times - is that we/The Church, sit back and wait for people to come forward. 

In a brief article from April 1988, it says,

"The Church should recruit its clergy - identify the persons it wants and go after them - not just sit and wait to see who walks in the door.

That is the recommendation of the Board of Theological Education and the Council for the Development of Ministry.

In a recent meeting, the council made it clear that it is not recommending business as usual as regards the recruitment and training of persons for the ordained ministry.  Both in the report of the theological Board and in the work of the committee charged with revising the canons on ministry, the Council underlined the need for the Church to turn anew in its approach to raising up the leadership of the Church.

"If theological education is education for mission," the report states, "then the Church needs actively to recruit the best prospects for such education."

Certain kinds of ministry are not being adequately developed, the report states, citing ministries in the inner city, small church ministries, rural and ethnic ministries and institutional ministries in particular.

Pointing out that theological education of teh clergy is a three-stage process - only the middle stage of which occurs in seminary - the report points to the 'paucity of such education' in the parish congregation, calling it a 'major handicap for our seminaries' which 'constitutes a serious weakness threatening the effectiveness of the ministry and mission of The Episcopal Church at large."

Are the seminaries preparing 'for maintenance or for mission?  Are they providing an atmosphere conducive to growth in discipleship or are they encouraging cultural elitism and upward mobility in wordly terms?  Are they preparing students to be faithful servants in God's ministry of Word and Sacraments or are they preparing them to be therapists, managers or professional specialists?"

"Such questions,' the report states, 'points to some real...problems not only in the seminary but in the Church."

And I recall Bishop Griswold asking me what specialty I had for ministry.  I told him I did it all.  He later admitted that we needed 'generalists' as well as specialists.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


 I haven't written for quite some time. 

I've been pondering a bunch of what I'd like to do in writing...visioning for the Diocese, 'cleaning house' around, and other things.

Thinking of reinventing COM.  Stewardship, Cong Development.  Evangelism.

A 'Saturday of Talking' could bring us together...on a regular basis, with topics.

Then, writing a book, on meditations on the Prayer Book...picking out words or phrases that have caught my attention.

Life is actually getting exciting, as I think of all of this.

Could be fun and interesting.

Stay tuned.


Monday, May 26, 2014

It's been so long since I've last written, that I almost forgot about this avenue.  I believe I need to be more methodical, and regular in my writing. 

Convention is coming up, and I have much work to do:  appointments for committees, reports, my 2013 calendar.

Much work to do. 

God willing, life will be kind to us, and we won't have too many resolutions.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


consistently amazed at the thoughts of so many, who give great opinions, based on no facts.  But that's beside the point.

Tonight, I sit in Charlotte...waiting to get home.  UsAir has finally let me down..seriously down.  Yesterday, they canceled my flight from CLT to put me on the flight tomorrow morning, at 9:30...

A few minutes ago, I got an email that my 9:30 flight was canceled, and the only one available is at 6:50 pm...but I can wait at the airport all day, to see if there is an opening...

On other things, life is good.  Went to Living Stones.  It's a lot like living back in the '60's where everyone gets to say what they want...and no one questions it.  People wanting to recreate the Church into their own, "If I had a voice...way back when...this is what the Church should be..."  and people agree...

Rather than seeing that the Church is the Body of is God's..not mine...and what has been passed down, over the centuries, is what is the Church...surely the Church changes and morphs...but not based on what 1 person is the community.

Such is life.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's been a while since I've last written, but I thought I'd drop this out there.  Having grown up in Chicagoland, it was not uncommon to live through storms, and to be without power.  But (!) when it took too long to restore Wet snow?  Yes.  Heavy snow?  Sure.  A lot of snow?  Not really...certainly the power lines should have been able to withstand the weight of wasn't that much!

Where is the outcry?  Where is the call for action?  Where is the anger?

Well...I guess this just means that school will be canceled another's not like we need extra time in school...after all...WV ranks right up there with the top notch states, like Alabama, Louisiana and a few others!

Lost wages?  Lost educational opportunities?  Lost efficiency?

Seems like life, I'm sorry to say.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

WEll, the clergy of the Diocese of WEst Virginia and hte clergy of the   ELCA Synod of West Virginia-Western Maryland are together for a clergy conference.  A good day...

Sadly, there are only about 1/2 of the total possible clergy present.  Deep and thought provoking lectures...but good to meet the newer clergy in the ELCA and an opportunityfor the Episcopal Clergy to get together.

Fellowship is a good thing!

Thanks be to God.